news articles |
University of Sydney, 10 January 2013
Not only humans wilt in heat - developing heat tolerant crops
EFSA Press, 14 January 2013
EFSA promotes public access to data in transparency initiative
The Scientist 21 January 2013
Will GM Insects Help Stop Disease?
St George’s, University of London, 01 February 2013
Genetically modified tobacco plants produce antibodies to treat rabies
New Mexico State University, 04 February 2013
NMSU researchers fight mosquito-borne diseases with manipulation of mosquito gut bacteria
Aarhus University, 04 February 2013
Gene switch-off produces healthier carbohydrates
Scientific American, 07 February 2013
Unhealthy Glow: Fluorescent Tadpoles Expose Chemical Contamination
Straits Times, 10 Feb 2013
GM fish could hit dinner plates soon
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 14 February 2013
Value of modified corn is more in reducing losses than boosting yields
ISAAA, 20 February 2013
Global Biotech/GM Crop Plantings Increase 100-fold from 1996
Straits Times, 24 Feb 2013
Let GM Salmon swim through red tape
Rice University US, 28 February 2012
Modified bacteria turn waste into fat for fuel
EurekAlert, 06 March 2013
Scientists improve transgenic 'Enviropigs'
Reuters, 07 March 2013
China delays GMO corn, rice to woo the public
Science 2.0, 13 March 2013
Genetically Modified Milk Cures Diarrhea, Could Save Millions Of Kids Annually
Phys.Org, 13 March 2013
Making fuel from bacteria: Genetically-modified cyanobacteria could be more efficient than ethanol
AG Professional, 14 March 2013
GMO greenhouse barley well accepted
UCLA NewsRoom, 19 March 2013
UCLA researchers create tomatoes that mimic actions of good cholesterol
Cordis Wire, 19 March 2013
Anti-allergy GM apples
UGA Today, 26 March 2013
UGA discovery may allow scientists to make fuel from CO2 in the atmosphere
American Chemical Society, 27 March 2013
The first caffeine-‘addicted’ bacteria
University of Arizona News, 28 March 2013
Multi-Toxin Biotech Crops Not Silver Bullets, UA Scientists Warn
Vietnam Plus, 31 March 2013
Saline-resistant rice varieties improve profits
02 April 2013, Cornell Chronicles
Disease-resistant tomatoes fight lethal pests |